Shay Manibog, J.D.
The Founder and Managing Owner of TriDialogue Mediation Inc. Just like many men and women, Shay was in bad place once in her marriage. She found out that no matter how successful and how smart you are, nobody can prepare you for the mental and emotional stress and anguish that a Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) can bring, and to add the legal components to it, getting out seemed to be an insurmountable mountain to climb. In retrospect, no matter how hard and painful the experience was, there is always a silver lining to it, for her, came a career that she is passionate about, Mediation and Arbitration - to help people find their common ground in the most amicable way - so they can both move on without losing everything that they worked hard for to a very expensive litigation, be it Family, Divorce or any other civil litigation.
​Shay received her undergraduate in Business Administration at University of Saint Thomas, Labor Studies at San Diego State University and law degree as a dean’s list at Purdue University. Prior to managing TriDialogue Mediation, she has enjoyed 18 years of successful career in dispute resolution in a corporate environment particularly in labor/employee relations and workers compensation. However, it is only when she started assisting people in areas of Family and Elder Law that her career becomes purposeful.
She always looks forward to helping anyone turn the page to their new chapter, and rest assured that your hands will be held from the beginning to the end of the process.
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